Sunday, December 29, 2019

REPORTS Millennials put off kids due to money but pamper pets lavishly

REPORTS Millennials put off kids due to money but pamper pets lavishlyREPORTS Millennials put off kids due to money - but pamper pets lavishlyBabies are out pets are in. New reports show that while student loan debt is forcing Millennials to push back the decision to have children, they spend mora and more on pets every year.The crushing student loan debt burdenIts no secret that student loan debt is a huge burden on the finance of the Millennial generation. As CNBC recently reported, the total outstanding student loan debt in America now totals some $1.5 trillion. And all that debt is contributing to young people today taking longer to launch delaying moving out of their parents houses, delaying marriage, and delaying the decision to have children.A recent survey finds in particular that Millennial women are putting off children because of crippling student loan debt.The survey, by Future Family - a start-up that educates women about fertility - found that 44% of women reported having student debt. Of those women, half said that the loans affected their decisions about having children. Future Family polled 1,000 women in the U.S. ages 25 to 40 without children.Forty-two percent of women have more than $30,000 in college debt, according to CNBC, compared with 27% of men. Women outnumber men in college and are more likely to pursue graduate degrees.Fewer babies, but more fur babiesBut while fertility is down - women are having an average of 1.8 kids today, down from 3.7 in 1960, according to the Census Bureau - pet ownership (and pampering) is on the rise. Asurvey by TD Ameritrade finds that Millennials are spending lavishly on their pets. Out of 1,500 Millennials survey, 72% had pets and most of those pet owners (67%) regarded their animals as fur babies.According to USA Today, an average dog owner spends $1,285 a year on their pet, while cat owners spend $915 a year.Whats more,seven in 10 Millennials (68%) would happily take time off to care for a new pe t - paw-ternity leave - if their employer offered it as a perk.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The 6 things writers need to make a living (everything I know)

The 6 things writers need to make a living (everything I know)The 6 things writers need to make a living (everything I know)Millions of people have built writing careers, and you can too.You can work full or part-time. Its up to you.Most writers never get rich. You know that.Everybody knows that.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThe good news is, you can make a living writing.These lessons have worked for me since I chose to share my art through writing. And they will work for novelists, copywriters, geschftlicher umgang writers, self-improvement writers, memoir writers, and more.What I reallydoPrimarily, I write blog posts, ebooks, create curses, and recently published a book,Working in the Gig Economy How to Thrive and Succeed When You Choose to Work for Yourself,with a traditional publisher in London.I also run a small business blog (AllTopStartups) that attracts sponsors and m aintainPostanly Weekly, a personal improvement newsletter with over 38,00 subscribers).I make a living from multiple income sources, including sponsorships, book sales, courses, affiliates, and recently the Medium partner program.1. Read a ton ofstuffInvest in yourself. Make life learning a habit.Surround yourself with knowledgeable sources.Read, and read, and then write.If you dont like reading, you wont like writing.There are tons of free online resources for anyone to become a better writer.I read not just about writing and becoming a better writer, I also read about different topics to broaden my worldview.The internet makes it easier. Theres plenty of knowledge out there.You can departure with Pocket Explore and Blinklist.I dont apply everything I read immediately.I save bite-sized chunks or the best ideas I come across in Apple Notes or Medium and apply or use them when needed.I use Pocket to manage my favorite articles. I have thousands of articles saved for later reading, an d hundreds of post drafts on Medium.Be prepared to embrace deep reading and skimming.You need both to get tons of ideas on improving yourself and what to writeAnd I use eu-agrarpolitik times for short reading.I do fruchtwein of my reading in the evening instead of watching TV.2. Embrace the necessary messDont compare your process to everyone elses great work.It doesnt work like that.To be a great writer, you have to learn to love the process.Your job is to show up every day and become a reliable source.Commit to being relentlessly helpful, no matter how small and people will notice eventually.I shared my first post on Medium in 2013. October 17th. It received 5 claps.Back then, I was not consistent but I didnt stop sharing.Everything changed in 2015. I committed to writing every week.I started receiving more claps and attracted thousands of followers in the process.Today, I aim to write every day.3. Worry less about being right and more about creative expressionAs long as you look f or someone else to validate who you are by seeking their approval, you are setting yourself up for disaster. You have to be whole and complete in yourself. No one can give you that. You have to know who you are?- ?what others say is irrelevant.? Nic SheffIn our search for perfection, many of us end up finding comfort, stagnancy, and mediocrity.Highly prolific writers worry less about being perfect and more about delivering amazing results.They are too busy getting stuff done.Writing is like a muscle.The more your creative skill, the better it gets.Seth Godin once said, Perfect lets you stall, ask more questions, do more reviews, dumb it down, save it up and generally avoid doing anything that might fail (or anything important). Youre not in the perfect business. Stop pretending thats what the world wants from you. Truly perfect is becoming friendly with your imperfections on the way to doing something remarkable.Done is better than perfect.The real world rewards people who get thing s done.Give yourself time in your life to wonder whats possible and to make even the slightest moves in that direction.You will screw up in the process of getting anything worthwhile done, but its okay. It makes you better.Start writing today, and embrace the mess. You will get better over time.Making a living writing takes time, more time, and energy.Embrace that.4. Schedule enoughtimeYou can go from wanting to be a writer to being one by making real time for it. Allocate time for it.I write every morning.If I dont write before midday, I probably wont write at all. So I choose to write before 12 noon. I make the most of my energy.Making writing a daily habit is hard but that shouldnt stop you.You wont find your flow every day.Sometimes the single hardest aspect of writing is writing.There will be blank screen moments but dont stop because its hard. Persist because it matters that you show up.Make it a priority.Make a small change in your schedule and increase the amount of time you write. That small change will increase your chances of becoming an amazing writer.Uninterrupted writing time needs to get blocked into your calendar.And once you do that, defend it?- ?against your own resistance and distractions.It can be 10 minutes, maybe 30 minutes, or an hour.But during that time, allow yourself to donothing but write.If you dont have time to write, you cant make it a career.I treat writing like a full-time job.I make time for both research and writing.The research informs the topics I choose.I treat every piece I want to write like its my first and last article.5. Think like anartistHumans have an amazing capacity to create anything, no matter how small, out of nothing.Writing should not be any different.Art is not just about the canvas or the gallery. Its all around us.Art is what were doing when we do our best work.Treat every piece you put out there like a piece of art.Art is your unique and personal expression you share with the world.What does it mean to b e a real artist? It means you are spending your time doing the things that matter most to you. It means you dont need someone elses permission to create, writes Jeff Goins in his book,Real Artists Dont Starve Timeless Strategies for Thriving in the New Creative Age.You have everything you need to write about every subject you deeply care about. You dont have to be right when you start.But it matters that you begin.Write on Medium (an amazing platform for aspiring writers).Write a book. Self-publish.Share your career experiences. Inspire others by being inspiring. Teach people to do amazing things.Great work, like a healthy financial portfolio, takes time to mature. Your best work will emerge with patient attention, time, and strategic action.You have one life. You are the artist.Dont just make life work, you make it a masterpiece.When you are the artist of your life, it reminds you constantly that your life is your responsibility. Give it all youve got.Mason Curreys bookDaily Ritual s How Artists Workreveals the routines that make inspiring writers and artists tick. You can learn a lot from it.6. Create multiple incomestreamsDont rely on a single income source.The smartest and most successful writers diversify.Dont get too attached to a single income stream.Be open to the idea of making your income off digital products, book sales, speaking gigs (as you grow), etc.Explore your options but stay true to your long-term goal.Like a healthy financial portfolio, be smart about diversification.Jeff Bezos says, Be stubborn on vision, but flexible on details.ReadAnthony Moores piece aboutbecoming a paid writer in 5 weeks. He covers everything you need to make money from your writing quickly.Think of all the many ways you can use your skills as a writer to generate income and make the most of them.Measure and do more of what works.Closing thoughtsWant to make a living from writing? Take a small step today.Now is the best time to be a writer.I am not asking you to make a bold giant step.Just doonething, and be consistent.You may not have the experience to start writing but write anyway.Write, write and write some more.Its the basic step to building a tribe, growing a fan base, and making a living from your work.Once you start showing up every day, keep learning.Studying successful writers, and explore what works for them.And always remember, writing is not a short-term career. If you do the work, you will see the results.This article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Thursday, December 19, 2019

8 Microloans for Women in Business

8 Microloans for Women in Business8 Microloans for Women in BusinessStarting your own business can be challenging for a woman entrepreneur, especially if you dont have a strong track record yet and youre without collateral when starting out. But many local, state, and national resources are available to female and minority business owners if you know where to look.These organizations provide microloans- those under $50,000- towomen and other marginalized groups. Some eligibility restrictions apply, particularly for loans that are limited to specific geographic areas. Check with organizations directly to stay on top of their most updated offerings. This information welches effective as ofAugust 2018. 01Kiva Buero Monaco / Getty ImagesThe WWBIC offers microloans from $1,000 to $100,000, and sometimes more, to women in Wisconsin who are small business owners.They also offer education, seminars, business assistance, and referral services in addition to lending programs for women and men. This organizations programs are limited to Wisconsin-based small businesses.Qualifying for a MicroloanMost microlenders are nonprofit organizations. Although they tend to be more flexible than large banks and might require less documentation, you must typically be able to demonstrate a history of sound financial behavior.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Claims versus Evidence Knowing When Youre Really Qualified for the Job!

Claims versus Evidence Knowing When Youre Really Qualified for the JobClaims versus Evidence Knowing When Youre Really Qualified for the JobIts leid a matter of whetzu sich or not you can do the job, but its a matter of knowing if youre the right person for the job.As a recruiter and career coach, I have worked with and have placed professionals at all levels. In many cases, candidates will usually tell me the same thing. Theyll say something like, I can really do that job, or This job is right up my alley Sound familiar?Its not until we deep-dive into their background that they finally concede that they may not be the best candidate. Its not a matter of whether or not they can do the job, but its a matter of finding the right person to do the job. Additionally, its about making sure that we migrate the candidate and their background from being Claims Based to Evidence Based and capable of fulfilling the responsibilities of the position.If youve read my article entitled, Roadmap to a Winning Resume, then you know that having a quantifiable resume is critical to capturing the attention of the hiring manager or recruiter. Making sure that your resume contains the data necessary to demonstrate your skills is fine, but taking a few minutes to develop an Evidence-Based Qualifications Summary will prove invaluable as an addendum to supplement your resume when you interview for the position.Your resume needs to be crafted in a way that increases your visibility for the position. The Evidence-Based Qualifications Summary is a tool that few people will use when going in for an interview, but it will set you apartWhen developing your Evidence-Based Qualifications Summary, you will use the job description that has been published for the position as your guide. Upon reviewing the job description, I suggest that you copy and paste the Qualifications for the position and, using an outline format, identify the Years of Experience and the Accomplishments to go along with each point. I would suggest that you limit the accomplishments piece of this exercise to three bullets per qualification, whenever possible.As an example, here is a qualification requirement along with the candidates (evidence-based qualification summary) response for a Human Resources Administration / Generalist position(Requirement) Two years of administrative experience in a human resources officeYears Experience 5Accomplishments Provided responsible, confidential administrative duties in support of the Human Resources Director, the Risk Manager and Department Managers.Administered the performance evaluation system for professional, union and non-union employees.Conducted pre-employment background investigation, exits interview, classification program maintenance, salary and benefits administration plan.Obviously, this is for one bullet in the list of requirements, but you can clearly see that this candidate has more experience than they are seeking, and is able to identify his or he r specific accomplishments.In many cases, a position description may be written as a professional wish-list of the skills that the company is looking for in a perfect candidate to fulfill a particular role. Developing an evidence-based qualifications summary allows the hiring authority or recruiter to zone in directly to the hot points in the job description that may be the most important to them and their team.Dont worry if youre not a direct hit on every Requirement or Qualification. I have seen instances in which the hiring company will make exceptions for someone who may be lacking in one area, but is able to demonstrate advanced skills in another area.Using this document as an interview tool also eliminates the need for you to defend your resume or any piece of your background. It allows you to control the interview in a conversational way, rather than being reactive and asked to prove your claims.The next time you come across an opportunity to apply for a position, its importa nt to begin thinking about how you will develop an Evidence-Based Qualifications Summary to identify your background, your accomplishments and your successGo getem

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Whispered Writing an Effective Rsum Requires the Author to Select Their Wording Ver Secrets

Whispered Writing an Effective Rsum Requires the Author to Select Their Wording Ver Secrets The Dirty Facts on Writing an Effective Rsum Requires the Author to Select Their Wording Ver I write to represent the way that people relate to one aelendher and to the world we are living in. In a genuine physical fight, in practically every instance, the man will win. Even when youre sure something is correct, it has to be verifiable before you may add it. And so, often you wind up trying to correct something which isnt broken. The first couple of hours in the morning are definitely the most productive for me. By the close of the week, I realized I had a selection. I anticipate hearing from you Without all those thoughts in the rear of your head distracting you, you will discover that it is simpler to work and focus, regardless of what your profession is. Each time you do, however, its necessary for you to make sure its related to the recipients needs. You are going to be able to in crease your social life, and become a greater professional. We still supply you with the best work for any font of order you place. If you would like to make them perfect and receive the maximum grade, maybe not even half. Taking a look at the outcome, you might observe that rows for the very same product ID appear to get ordered by transaction ID, ascending. AussieWritings is one of the inexpensive assignment writing services which do not sacrifice quality for the interest of pricing. The principal need of assignment is not just to make you practice of work but need to reveal you ability of creativity. Timely delivery is just one of the factors you cant compromise with. This is process will start in steps. To put it differently, that precise analysis should have been published by a dependable source in connection with the topic before it can be published on Wikipedia. The quality ought to be best. Sheet selection is the principal concern in assignment writings. My plan i s to provide links to my best and most relevant articles in addition to a URL to my portfolio. Though the bulk of that interaction is performed verbally or non-verbally, a lot of communication requires us to write. It merely suggests that their strength differs. Frustrated with the procedure, but convinced to locate a way, I continued my research. The only way that you can present your edit isnt original research is to cite a reliable published source which contains exactly the same material. Original images made by a Wikipedian are not regarded as original research, as long as they dont illustrate or introduce unpublished ideas or arguments, the core reason supporting the NOR policy. Rewriting source material in your words, while substantially retaining the significance of the references, is not regarded as original research. You will be amazed at how writing can bring back old and almost forgotten memories. As an example, say youre really not certain how to approach a new story, but you need to have fun with unique characters and see what comes up. You have to comprehend the entire story. Youll also get that feeling as soon as you finish writing a brief story, your everyday blog post, or your most recent journal entry. As a result, you also need to know precisely what it is youre trying to say in each individual paragraph. Before you are aware of it, a particular word or a phrase youve put back on paper will trigger another memory you would not have thought of otherwise. It actually goes without saying, but be certain you spell their name correctly When youre writing something down, you become more careful in selecting the right words. The advantage is access to a broader market. In some specific instances, the caffeine will be able to help you focus. The shortest deadline of 3 hours isnt readily available for long and complicated assignment. Both comments and pings are closed. Instead, you would like to put in keywords which make what you wo uld like clear and will assist your recipient understand what your email is all about. Its the very same for editors and possible customers. Whats more, the sooner you say what your email is all about the simpler it is for me to fully grasp why I should care.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Review of Film Resume Writing

A Review of Film Resume Writing The Lost Secret of Film Resume Writing If youre thinking about attending grad school, you will likely must take the GRE. Yes and no so you can write the work earning job application only if you have comprehensive comprehension of job application writing. In addition, you are able to learn about media careers and hunt for internships on Monster. 1 advantage for employers to internet resumes is the substantial cost saving in comparison to traditional hiring methods. A work application contractor might be invaluable for anybody whos sense confused by the continue process. An acting resume design may be your key to clinching the role of an eternity. Its very simple to use a resume design. The increasing number of essay writing services is wholly overwhelming. Usually youre going to be asked for references during the interview procedure, though some businesses may request that you supply them with your application. If you are searching for top e ssay writing companies, try out the mentioned above. There are several essay writing services that think theyre the very best, and thus dont be cheated and check the genuine collection of the very best. A resume builder may be an online tool used to swiftly create work application. Again, ensure youve got the appropriate and current contact info, and an expert email. Writing resume with the guidance of resume templates easily on the world wide web is pretty much the most effective technique of publishing resumes that ensure that youre utilizing the suitable format and correct information thats acceptable for the job which youre attempting to get. Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Film Resume Writing Is Wrong Make certain you always check first, to make certain individuals are prepared to deliver a positive reference for you whether you dont ask, you may discover people have a different opinion of you than you thought, and could offer negative info to employers. You al so ought to attempt to have your resume reviewed by men and women in your industry, to be certain you have the relevant and current vital words and terminology. A lot of people dont like their present job or career. You are interested in finding work in a significant profession where sick individuals are the focus. Resumes may be used for a number of reasons, but most often theyre utilized to secure new employment. They may be organized in different ways. Resume contractors are a really great effects in that might help you organize your continue. Establish the company enterprise and career youre attempting to locate work in. On account of the increasing competition in every area, it is now significant for each and each job looking individual to remain different from every other applicant to acquire attention in the business. Its possible to also say that youre going to be trying to find a different job because of moral things. Ok, I Think I Understand Film Resume Writing, Now Tell Me About Film Resume Writing In addition, you can look for film production jobs on Monster. 1 surprising and appealing situation to put in your film resume would become your education. Also, list all your career accomplishments, especially in case youve worked on hit films. Write down all the roles which youve played in prior films. Developing a film resume is much less confusing as it seems to be and with a tiny know-how it can be pretty straightforward. Resumes must be in a format accepted by the expert community. If you are searching for Film Resume schablone youve come to the proper spot.